Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Trans fat

Excerpts taken from Mind Your Body, 30 Nov
Shall reveal the truth about trans fat:
): best way to extend shelf life of products
): increases low density lipids (LDL) and decreases level of HDL
): increase insulin resistance, making consumers more prone to developing type 2 diabetes

Trans fats are formed when liquid vegetable oils go through a chemical process called hydrogenation which is used to make an oil more solid so tht it has a longer shelf life in baked products, longer fry life for cooking oils, and can provide a certain kind of texture to processed food.

Warning: Please avoid all the food listed below at all cost unless you want to die of a painful death!!!
): margarine
): deep-fried chips and crackers
): fast food
): commercial baked goods like cakes and cookies
): sweets, chocolates and ice-cream
): most cereals, plus energy bars
): frozen food like pizzas and fish fingers

Say goodbye to fries
I am trying to cut down on such food but sometimes you just can't avoid it as it is found in almost everything, especially nowadays, with all the processed food available. Must learn to control temptation no matter how delicious the food may be, otherwise i will also see myself putting on weight!

For more information on trans fat go to:, very informative including a table showing the amount of trans fat found in certain food.

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