Saturday, February 23, 2008

A learning journey

A bus ride really got me thinking...

Well, a friend and i were going to hougang for class CIP and we werent sure which stop to alight. My friend then approached the bus driver for directions, but was denied an accurate reply. He proceeded to ask the bus driver permission to get off the bus to check the bus guide at a busstop. The bus driver however, DROVE OFF WITHOUT HIM, leaving me on the bus with no idea where to alight, and him stranded at the busstop without his belongings. In the end, i alighted 2 stops away from my destination while he alighted 2 busstops before. All this while, we were fortunate to have communication by handphone. To cut a long story short, we finally met at the correct busstop, with him spotting me from about 300m away to guide me there.

There is so much to learn from this quite interesting episode. As i was walking back to the correct busstop, i thought about the Christian life. This is exactly what happens when we are lost, undirected and unguided, just like how i was on the bus. We dont know where to go, what to do and how to live our lives because we have forgotten about God. But then when we remember to rely on Him, He provides us with maps, signs that will lead us in the right direction, just like the bus guide. But, even with the bus guide, we could still go the wrong way, just like how i alighted 2 busstops away from where i was supposed to go. It is then that we should just ask God in prayer to show and lead the way in the right direction, just like how i called my friend to ask him how to walk back to the right busstop. Moreover, as mentioned how my friend spotted me 300m away, God will spot the lost from heaven and guide us back into His loving arms. Just like my friend was a call away, so is God a prayer away. Will you then ask Him to guide you back into the path of righteousness. Im thankful for His guidance.

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