Sunday, May 24, 2009

and so im back from kk :)
the trip has been a good break from work... ok maybe not work per se cos the conference was part of work, but perhaps from the same working environment for the last 5 mths.
tk God for the deeper bonds forged among the 3 of us. tks for all the sharing we had. hope it helped in a way :)
lots of reflections to do about the trip. soon soon...
but for now, its back to the reality of work for perhaps a week i hope? if not maybe 2...
God is so good, all the time. He keeps showing me time and time again how He can always work things out, as long as we seek in faith, knowing He will provide.
truly, how can i keep from singing Your praise... phone bills are gonna sky rocket...what with all the communication from msia to singapore