Sunday, May 31, 2009

no touching of work at all this weekend. :) boy, am i glad.

today's message was really impactful. was moved by what Pastor Mike said, about how if we could just 1/20 of 1% of our income each mth, we would be able to reach out to the 2 billion ppl who have not heard Christ's name even once. the irony of things is that ppl often think that if they give, they will have less in return. but God promises much much more in return, that we may give even more to the church of Jesus Christ. and its not just spiritual blessings, but financial as well. and yes, the health and wealth gospel thing. its so true, that certain things are biblical about it, but the error lies in the part where the wealth gathered be used for your own lust, and material gains. well, i guess its truly a blessing to give, rather than to receive. give without remembering, take without forgetting. may we give because He first gave. to give faithfuly, sacrificially, cheerfully, proportionately and expectantly.

talked to ian about the theology stuff as mentioned below and managed to clarify things. tk God.
shall explain that soon as well (together with the long overdue account of my trip :P)

well well...i was in the car. geddit? haha :) dont worry.

so every moment, we shared together
is even better than the moment before
and if everyday was, as good as today was,
then i can't wait til tomorrow comes.

heh nice song :)

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